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HomeBeautyBest Exercises for Cellulite on Legs

Best Exercises for Cellulite on Legs

Cellulite is a nightmare for both women and men. In this condition, an individual’s skin becomes bumpy and dimpled. While aging and obesity are among the most common causes of cellulite, other factors can also trigger its appearance. 

An Introduction to Cellulite

Generally, cellulite develops around the buttocks, thighs, stomach, and legs, but some women notice cellulite formation in their arms. Although cellulite does not affect our health, most of us want to get rid of cellulite because of aesthetic reasons.

Getting rid of cellulite needs exercise, proper circulation, good nutrition, and controlling fat-storage hormones in the lower body.

Genetics also determines the amount of cellulite you have. Furthermore, women are more susceptible to cellulite because they tend to store fat in their buttocks and thighs, unlike men.

We can rank the condition using the following grades.


When cellulite has an ‘orange peel’ and a slightly sagging or ‘draped’ appearance


When the skin is moderately draped, and the cellulite has a ‘cottage cheese’ appearance 


When the skin is severely draped and has a mattress appearance 

As soon as you observe any changes to your buttocks, thighs, and legs, consult your doctor, who will examine the affected area. Your doctor will offer a treatment plan, which usually includes a mix of exercises along with cellulite creams and products. 

In this guide, we are going to shed light on the most common causes of cellulite and some exercises to reduce their appearance. We are also going to offer some home remedies for slowing down the formation and reducing the appearance of cellulite. 

Let’s start with the causes of cellulite.

Cause of Cellulite 

While the exact cause of this condition is unknown, cellulite seems to trigger an interaction between the connective tissue in the skin and the fat deposits just below it. In other words, cellulite forms when the fat cells protrude into the skin’s layer. 

Although slim and fit people can suffer from this unpleasant condition, it is more prevalent in obese individuals. Cellulite usually happens after the age of twenty-five but, in some cases, it can also affect teenagers and young individuals.

Here are some of the most common causes that trigger cellulite formation. 

  1. Aging

According to one theory, blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin decreases in women as they approach menopause. Poor blood circulation results in less oxygen supply to these areas and reduced collagen production. As a result, fat cells enlarge and grow in number. 

When the fat under the skin protrudes through the weakening connective tissue, it leads to a dimpling appearance. The skin becomes thinner and less elastic, thereby increasing the chance of cellulite development.

  1. Hormones

Research on cellulite reveals that hormones play an active role in cellulite development. Insulin, estrogen, noradrenaline, prolactin, and thyroid hormones can produce cellulite in many individuals. 

  1. Genetics

Certain genes can lead to cellulite development. Genetic factors can link to an individual’s circulatory levels, metabolism, and distribution of fat cells under the skin. These factors can affect the development of cellulite in men and women. 

  1. Lifestyle and Dietary Factors 

While it’s true that toxins do not cause cellulite, eating a balanced and healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing this condition. If you consume carbs, fat, and salt in excess and don’t pay attention to your fiber intake, you can be at risk. 

The condition is also prevalent in smokers. However, non-smokers who stand or sit in one position for long hours can also develop it, especially around the legs. Some women trigger cellulite formation by wearing tight elastic undergarments, which restrict the blood flow to the buttocks and legs, resulting in cellulite. Exercise and diet may help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Is Cellulitis Connected to Cellulite

Most of us are not aware that cellulitis and cellulite are two different conditions. 

In the case of Cellulitis, bacteria penetrate an individual’s skin after a burn, cut, sore, or bite. Once the bacteria goes through the skin, they begin multiplying, causing the body’s cells to combat the infection. As a result, you get inflamed and extremely itchy skin. Cellulitis can affect your trunk, arms, legs, feet, and even the face. 

Risk Factors

  • You have a weak immunity because of diabetes or extensive treatment, such as chemotherapy 
  • You have an unhealed wound from surgery
  • You hold a history of drug injection
  • Poor blood circulation in arms and legs
  • Difficulty in movement 

Symptoms of Cellulitis

Here are some symptoms of cellulitis.

  • The affected area is red and itchy
  • Swollen skin
  • The affected skin is warm to touch 
  • Headaches
  • Pain
  • Chills 
  • Blistering
  • Body weakness


A licensed doctor can diagnose cellulitis after examining the affected area and performing a physical examination. Other lab tests such as blood work can confirm whether an individual has cellulitis. 

Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs

As cellulite mostly affects the buttocks and the thighs, turn to lower-body strength training exercises such as lunges, squats, and step-ups. Zumba, yoga and aerobic exercises can also help you combat the ugly effects of cellulite. 

  1. Aerobic Exercises

What to Do

Any exercise or workout that speeds up your heart and breathing rates can improve blood supply and blood circulation to all areas of the body. Weight loss efforts coupled with aerobic exercises can help you maintain a healthy weight as well as tone your thighs and legs. 


Some common aerobic exercises for losing weight around the waist and thighs include cycling, swimming, running, and jumping rope. Get your doctor’s approval before adopting a new exercise regime. 

Apart from aerobic exercises, numerous leg and lower-body workout routines can help you reduce the ability to build cellulite. That’s because these exercises build muscle in the affected area. Allow your body to recover and schedule recovery days to avoid any injury. 

  1. Curtsy lunges

Curtsy lunges strengthen the quads, hamstrings, and gluteus medius for improving the appearance of your legs. 

What to Do

  • Stand straight while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend down the left leg and move the right leg backward to perform a curtsying motion. Place your right foot diagonally behind the left leg. 
  • Maintain this position before you use the left foot for pushing back to the initial position.
  • Now switch the legs to repeat the same routine. You complete a single rep when you perform the move on both sides. Take a one-minute break between sets and perform at least three sets of ten reps. 


Perform curtsy lunges twice or thrice a week for best results. 

  1. Lateral lunge

Also called the side lunge, the exercise strengthens the hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

What to Do

  • Keep your arms to the side and stand, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Using your right leg, step to the side and keep your left leg straight. Now bend your right knee for lowering into a squat position on the right side. 
  • Maintain your balance by keeping your chest up.
  • Return to the initial position by pushing back up with the right leg.


Don’t forget to perform at least ten reps on each side. You can practice lateral lunges thrice a week. 

  1. Step-up with Reverse Lunge

You need a slightly elevated surface or a low bench for performing this popular exercise. The workout targets your hamstrings, quads, and glutes. 

What to Do

  • If you use a low bench, stand one or two feet away from it.
  • Step onto the bench with your right foot, and lift your left knee up.
  • Return to the initial position by lowering the left leg and stepping off the bench.
  • Lung backward with your right leg as your left leg touches the floor.
  • Return to the initial position.


You can perform this workout regime twice or thrice a week. Take a resting break of one minute between the sets and perform at least three sets of ten reps on each side. 

  1. Glute Bridge

The best part about this exercise is that you don’t put too much pressure on your lower back to work out your legs. 

What to Do

  • Lie on your exercise mat and bend your knees. Keep the shins vertical and the arms at the side. Your palms should face the floor. 
  • Push through the heels for raising the hips off the ground to form a straight line from your upper back to the knees. 
  • Engage your core as you briefly maintain this position.
  • Resume your initial position. 


Take a one-minute resting break between the sets. Perform three sets of fifteen to twenty reps, twice or thrice a week. 

  1. Split squats

Also popular as the Bulgarian split squat, this exercise also requires a low bench or an elevated surface. 

What to Do

  • Face away from the bench while standing next to it.
  • Plant your right foot nearly a lunge-length away from the bench. 
  • Place the top of your left foot on the bench behind.
  • Now lower down into a lunge position bending your right knee at 90 degrees. Your left knee will nearly touch the floor. 
  • Return to the starting position by pushing, mostly through your right foot.


If you want to make this exercise more difficult, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Perform twelve reps on each leg to get the best results. You can perform split squats twice or thrice a week.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite

In addition to exercises, many natural and home remedies can also help you get rid of cellulite. Some of these remedies include: 

  1. Consuming a Balanced Diet

There is nothing like a nutrient-rich and balanced diet that can flush out toxins from your body to improve blood circulation. Make sure the diet you consume is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Add more oily fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats to your diet for boosting collagen production to fight against cellulite.

Avoid processed carbs, sugar-laden treats, and processed foods. That’s because these foods can spike up your insulin levels that promote fat buildup. Limit foods that contain a high sodium content to avoid fluid retention from worsening your skin’s appearance. Follow a low-carb diet to improve blood flow and boost your circulation.

  1. Cellulite Cream

Along with diet, a great way to help with the appearance of cellulite is to use a cream and specifically target the cellulite. With this combination, you should start to notice a difference within a few weeks.

  1. Drink Adequate Water

Don’t forget to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day for plumping the skin and limiting the number of protruding fat cells. Good hydration is the key to beautiful-looking and cellulite-free skin. 

  1. Massages

Another tested remedy for reducing cellulite around your legs is getting frequent massages. Not only having a deep-tissue massage will relieve your tired muscles, but it will also improve your blood circulation. 

A good professional massage can stimulate the lymphatic system and break down fat cells to eliminate toxins. It also stretches the skin tissue to fix cellulite dimples. Don’t rely on cheap and low-quality massage creams that can do more harm than good. Many professional massage salons offer anti-cellulite massage for the legs and the tummy area. 

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of nature’s best gifts, apple cider vinegar, offers incredible benefits. This popular vinegar contains essential nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Apple cider vinegar can promote good circulation for taking care of many conditions, such as cellulite.

Take one part apple cider vinegar and two parts water for preparing a solution. Apply it to your legs and other affected areas boosting the removal of toxins, oxygen supply, and collagen production.

  1. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a popular technique to help the body eliminate toxins through sweat. The process involves using a coarse-bristle brush on the skin to stimulate the pores. That encourages the skin’s pores to open up so you can sweat easily. As a result, the amount of toxins flowing through the lymphatic system reduces to a significant extent. 

  1. Exfoliation

Exfoliating your body regularly can improve your skin’s appearance by removing dead skin and stimulating blood flow. Using a high-quality exfoliating cream or product for your legs can do wonders for reducing the appearance of cellulite. 

But the best way to exfoliate thoroughly is to choose natural ingredients such as coffee grounds. Scrubbing your skin with grounded coffee will allow you to scrub away dead skin and stimulate dilation.

Take 1/4 cup of ground coffee and mix it with two tablespoons of hot water. Set it aside for ten minutes. Make a paste by adding two tablespoons of olive oil. Wet your skin before applying the coffee mixture to your legs. Remember to apply it in circular motions. 

 Leave it five minutes before rinsing and patting your legs dry. Moisturize your skin in the end. 

  1. Retinol 

Retinol treatments can thicken the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Don’t forget to do a patch test, as some people can experience adverse effects. 

  1. Green Tea

Who isn’t aware of the many benefits of green tea for flushing out toxins to maintain a healthy weight?

However, green tea is rich in antioxidants, which means it can improve the body’s blood circulation system. The popular natural tea is also a potent thermogenic, which means it has the potential to speed up the metabolism of fat cells.

  1. Self-tanning

While this method to reduce the appearance of cellulite is not exactly a natural remedy, thousands of people, especially women, turn to self-tanning. If you want to flaunt toned and slim legs, then self-tanning is one of the easiest and most affordable ways.

You can mask bumps and lump on your thighs and buttocks by evening out skin tone and reducing the prominence of dimpled skin. If you’re interested in natural ingredients, try out Blue Saint

Bottom Line

Unfortunately, some people develop cellulite, no matter how much they exercise or adopt good lifestyle habits. However, following this guide will help you reduce its appearance. 

Fitness trainers and beauty stylists reveal that you can always trick the body into becoming a fat-burning machine. Remember that an effective anti-cellulite program features exercise, good nutrition, and regular exfoliation. Exercises can tighten and tone the body and help reduce or hide cellulite from all areas, especially your legs. 






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