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HomeBeautyWhy Does Skin Wrinkle with Age?

Why Does Skin Wrinkle with Age?

Often aging comes with a sense of disappointment that you are losing your youthful exuberance and gradually becoming old, so you find yourself asking the question, “Why does the skin wrinkle with age? It is even worse when you wake up one morning and notice that fine lines have formed overnight. By then, reality dawns on you – you are genuinely aging!

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

If you find yourself wondering why the skin wrinkles, keep reading this article as we delve into the answer to your question, ‘Why does the skin wrinkle with age?’ the age it starts, and the proven treatments you can use to combat it.

The skin wrinkles with age because collagen – a protein in the skin loses its strength and function, making the skin thinner, more fragile, and less elastic. There is diminished sweat production, under skin fat, and natural oils that generally make the skin firm, supple, and stretchy as we grow. That results in saggy and loose skin.

Wrinkles are most prominent on the body’s exposed parts, such as the face, neck, hand, legs, and forearms.

Other Causes of Skin Wrinkles

1.   Ultra Violet Light

Exposure to the sun is one of the leading causes of skin aging as it fast-tracks the natural aging process. Aside from causing fine lines and wrinkles, UV radiation creates brown spots and red blotches by breaking down the skin’s tissues, such as collagen and elastin fibers.

With no support from the skin’s tissues, the skin becomes vulnerable to radiation, losing suppleness, form, and structure. That, in turn, makes it sag prematurely. People with lighter skin tend to be at risk of sunlight. On the other hand, darker skins are at low risk due to melanin protecting them from harmful substances.

2.   Smoking

Aside from damage to the heart, skin wrinkles are part of what smokers have to face. Although it may not show early, smokers are more at risk of developing skin wrinkles prematurely. A recent review of the observational studies of men and women found that facial wrinkles were more prevalent in smokers than non-smokers.

Besides, the risk of moderate to severe wrinkles was higher in long-term smokers than in new ones.

3.   Certain Facial Expressions

Some facial expressions lead to wrinkles and the creation of fine lines. For instance, when you squint, a long narrow space is formed on the face, leading to crow’s feet around the eyes. Mainly, frowning causes deep wrinkles on the forehead.

(Photo created by Valuavitaly from Freepik)

4.   Hydration

When you do not drink adequate water, it inhibits the body from flushing out toxins and other harmful substances through the skin. That leads to the development of skin disorders such as discoloration, early wrinkling, and skin drooping.

At What Age Do Wrinkles Start?

The early signs of skin wrinkles become noticeable at the age of 25. Around this time, collagen production starts depleting and continues between 1% – 2% yearly. Hence, horizontal lines start popping on the forehead as you make different facial expressions and go about your everyday activities.

In the thirties, the fine lines start to form when you spend long hours in the sun. Besides, the skin susceptibility to pollutions and toxins makes it easy for fine lines, dark spots, wrinkles to survive on the skin.

In the forties, wrinkles start to become apparent when at rest. The skin begins to show uneven tone, sun spots, and skin pigmentation around the body’s exposed parts. Also, the skin and temple begin to hollow, while laxity reflects around the jawline and smile lines.

By the age of 50, collagen production becomes less, while the available ones break down. Line form around the mouth line, and drooping eyelids and tech neck are evident. Women who are in the menopause stage in this age bracket lose about 30% of their skin’s collagen.

Although men and women lose collagen in their skin at the same age range, it is a lot faster in women after menopause for the first five years before slowing down. For both genders, laxity is more dramatic as it invades the skin aggressively, primarily when you did not attend to areas of concern in the early years.

Can you Prevent Wrinkles?

The truth is no matter how much you view it; wrinkles win eventually. We are in a world where we are constantly exposed to different chemicals and acids in our environment. We need to fend for ourselves, which means standing in the sun for some people.

These things, more or less, contribute to skin aging in unimaginable ways – some of which you may not notice until years later. Nonetheless, you can take some simple measures to slow the effect of wrinkles down on your skin.

What Can You Do to Slow Down Wrinkles?

It may be challenging to reverse the damaging effect of wrinkles on the skin. However, you can make some changes to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face as you grow. Check out the following measure, and start implementing them right away!

1.   Stay Away from the Sun

It is known that constant exposure to sunlight is detrimental to the skin. The only way to prevent this is to reduce one’s presence in the sun. If you must go out, it is best to wear sunscreen that filters the sun.

Also, you should avoid going out at midday (10 am to 3 pm) as the ultraviolet rays are most active during this time. Protective clothing and a well-brimmed hat can shield your body from the sun as well.

2.   Moisturise

A typical moisturizer fuels your skin to make it appear glowy and shiny. Specifically, It helps to hydrate and nourishes the skin. Using a moisturizer is especially important in the thirties and forties because the skin is more prone to dryness.

A good moisturizer helps to moderate the skin appearance so it does not look excessively dry or oily. Also, it prevents skin blemishes such as acne, black spot, and break out.

3.   Using Skin Products with Peptides

Peptides are strands of amino acids that function as proteins needed by the skin. They are naturally part of our skin, but once age comes by, they begin to fade. Nonetheless, you can get a replacement when you use skincare products with peptides in their ingredients.

When you use them frequently, peptides can help stimulate the skin cells to produce more collagen for firmer and younger skin. It is a suitable substance for people within the age bracket 40 – 50 because their skin hardly produces collagen at that age. Also, it eases inflammation of the skin and kills bacteria that damage the skin.

4.   Drink Adequate Water

Drinking water is essential to the body because it facilitates the functioning of tissues. It helps the body organ function well and flushes toxins out of the body. Also, water aids digestion and regulates body temperature.

When you do not take water enough, it can cause tissue and skin disorders such as inflammation and premature aging. Research on the effect of water on skin hydration showed that water could slow down early aging, boost skin elasticity, and repair damaged tissues. 2 liters of water a day keeps the body hydrated.

5.   Eat Nutritious Food

The importance of a balanced diet on the skin is underestimated. A 2020 study on Diet and Skin Aging from the perspective of food found that an unbalanced diet and poor eating habits are among the leading causes of skin aging.

Complete and healthy nutrition can repair damaged skin. Foods with many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may protect the skin from oxidative damage, certain diseases, and wrinkles. Examples are:

  • Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, leafy greens, avocado, and tomatoes.
  • Drink: Black tea, green tea, berries, and coconut water.
  • Fruits: pomegranates, apricot, lemon, tangerine, and orange.
  • Nuts and seeds: flaxseeds, walnut, and sunflower seeds
  • Fatty fish: salmon and mackerel.
  • Soy
  • Dark chocolate
  • Beans and lentils

6.   Avoid Smoking

Smoke destroys collagen and fibers that make the skin elastic and firm. Apart from its association with skin cancer, smoking causes wrinkles early and makes the skin susceptible to infections. Tobacco smoke causes oxidative stress, which limits oxygen from getting to the skin.

When skin can’t breathe, the blood vessels block, leading to blood clots. That eventually slows down the immune system, making it vulnerable to infections. Besides, smoke contains nicotine which induces delayed wound healing.

7.   Always Relax the Face

Frowning and squinting are some of the risk factors of fine lines and skin wrinkles. They show creases and deep wrinkles on the forehead, crow’s feet at the eye’s lateral and around the mouth.

If you notice you squint regularly, it would be best to see a doctor prescribe medications, eyeglasses, or contact lenses for you. Frowning may be a sign of stress or frustration as well. The best way to reduce this is to exercise or practice deep breathing.

8.   Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Refined sugar and food that convert to sugar quickly are no good for the skin. These foods raise insulin levels, leading to inflammation. That, in turn, creates enzymes that weaken collagen and elastin. If you want your skin to be free from wrinkles, and toxins, avoid the following food:

  • Refined sugar
  • White bread
  • Candy
  • Fried food
  • Pizza
  • Soda
  • Fruit juice

9.   Get Some Sleep

Lack of sleep leads to a heightened level of stress and headache, which may cause you to frown and squint often. Besides, it slows down the wound healing process. Inflammation is also high in people who do not sleep well, leading to acne, enzyme, and other skin allergies.

The effect of sleep deprivation includes pale and dehydrated skin, swollen eyes, and dark circles. If you have insomnia, try the following measures:

  • Eat hours early before bedtime.
  • Create a relaxed environment for sleeping.
  • Limit sleeping during the daytime.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Sleep regularly, and not less than 8 hours.

10.                Regular Skin Care

(Photo created by Valuavitality from Freepik)

Skincare goes beyond applying lotion every day. Having a skincare routine that involves cleansing and moisturizing will go a long way in maintaining your skin health. It will help if you do deep cleansing to remove make-up, pecks of dirt, and chemical pollutants on the skin every day.

When shopping for body care products, ensure you select products that shield your skin from UV radiation.

Surgical and Medical Treatments

There are varieties of surgical and medical treatments available for skin wrinkles. In some cases, you may need to combine two forms of treatment to achieve a better result.

1.   Retinoids

Retinoids are sourced from vitamins and help to reduce the effect of aging by increasing collagen. The different types of retinoids include retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde, retinol, tretinoin, tazarotene.

The retinoid’s primary function lies in reducing the power of skin toxins that may damage collagen while promoting new ones. Also, you may notice firmer skin texture and overall pigmentation when you use it.

2.   Antioxidants

Antioxidants are known to fight against infections and diseases. In skincare, they come in products with vitamin C and E. These vitamins flush out toxins and harmful substances in the body.

3.   Chemical Peels

This procedure of peels involves using salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid to penetrate the skin deeper. That soothes fine lines and grows the skin back. A repeated approach may be necessary to maintain smooth skin. The side effects include skin pigment and scarring.

4.   Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a facial restructuring process involving a laser to improve the skin appearance or treat any skin defect. An ablative laser is used in removing the outer layer of the skin while heating the underlying skin. The process enhances the growth of new collagen and firmer skin.

(Image by Senivpetro from Freepik)

The ablative laser may take months to heal, but a recent method with non-ablative offers a short recovery time and a few side effects. Some of the risks involved include scarring and darkening of skin cells. It is essential to know that laser resurfacing cannot be used to rejuvenate sagging skin.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing is a suitable option for people with mild skin wrinkles because the result shows faster.

5.   Dermabrasion

This procedure involves removing the outer surface of the skin with a rapidly revolving abrasive brush. The outer surface has imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, scar, tattoos, uneven tone.

6.   Soft Tissue Filler

This process involves injecting fat, collagen, and hyaluronic acid into the wrinkles and skin furrow to make it firmer and plumpy. Side effects include bruises and uneven tone.

Natural Treatment Options for Skin Wrinkles

If medical and surgical treatments seem too much for you, there are natural remedies you can try out in the comfort of your house.

1.   Egg White

The white part of an egg improves the smoothness of the face. It contains ingredients such as potassium and collagen, known for repairing cells and preventing oily skin. It also protects the face from sunburn, ache, and cyst.

2.   Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been historically used in skincare products to treat wounds and scars. It contains antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E and other healing properties. Also, these substances neutralize free radicals and maintain the skin’s moisture.

3.   Massage

Massage is a very relaxing form of reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Deep massage enhances the production of proteins that keep the skin smooth.

4.   Essential Oils

Essential oils, when mixed with a carrier oil, may reduce wrinkles. They are used to heal the skin without irritating. Examples of carrier oils include jojoba oil, carrot oil, and lavender oil.

Ensure you perform a patch test for irritation by applying a little oil to your hand. If it irritates your skin, it will be best to look for a better option.

5.   Banana Mask

Banana helps to prevent wrinkles and reduce aging signs. It contains antioxidants, natural oil, and vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin C, which prevent skin blemishes. Also, it is a form of exfoliating for getting rid of toxins on the face.


Wrinkles are nature’s way of reminding us of who we are – humans!  While you can not stop the growth of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, you can very well slow down their progress through medical, surgical, or natural methods.

You should try one of the suggestions given in this article if you want to reduce wrinkles and blemishes on your skin. You can also check here https://www.adoniaorganics.com/ for proven organic skincare products to significantly reduce wrinkles and skin defects.

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