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HomeBeautyHow To Make Eyelashes Grow Faster Overnight

How To Make Eyelashes Grow Faster Overnight

Let’s be real; long lashes are kind of a big deal in the beauty world. Whether it’s to give a more flattering appearance or to boost your confidence, lashes are huge when it comes to creating a flawless, confident look. However, not everyone is about the faux lash life or even about extensions. And honestly, some people just want to grow longer lashes naturally and avoid makeup altogether. If this is you, it is certainly possible to do so, and there are many unique ways to naturally prompt your lashes for growth. So for today, we’re going to go over our top ways to make eyelashes grow faster overnight from the comfort of your own home.

Causes of Short Lashes

Before we delve into some treatments and tips on how to get your lashes to grow faster overnight, we wanted to first go over some reasons that you may have shorter lashes, to begin with.  

  1. Genetics 

Now, perhaps the biggest cause of short lashes is genetics. Some people just naturally have sparse or short lashes from their genes, and that’s totally okay. This isn’t something that you should ever be ashamed of having and is also something that can definitely be improved with the right products.

  1. Damage

The second biggest cause of short lashes is damage. Damage could from many sources, including mascara, wearing false lashes, aging, debris, using damaging products on your lashes, or not fully removing your makeup at bedtime. These problems from damage can typically be avoided by changing the way you do things in regards to eye care but may take some time to see results. 

  1. Stress

Another big problem for short or thin lashes for people of all ages is stress. Stress is a big part of our daily lives and is something we must all experience. However, too much stress can cause your eyelash hair to fall out, as well as weaken and break. Learn more about the negative effects of stress on lashes and how to prevent it here on

  1. Aging and Menopause 

And lastly, aging and or menopause are also believed to be another big factor when it comes to thinner or shorter lashes due to hormonal imbalances that can have a negative effect on the growth cycle of hour hair follicles. Of course, other factors such as lack of sleep and or medications as we get older may also contribute to this.

How to Make Eyelashes Grow Faster Overnight

Now that we’ve gone over some of the leading causes of short lashes let’s dive into some easy ways to get them to grow. 

  1. Use an Eyelash Brush 

To start, a clinically proven way to make your eyelashes grow faster overnight is to use an eyelash brush. Brushing your lashes regularly helps to stimulate the hair follicles, and therefore, can promote growth in your eyelashes. Not to mention, brushing them helps to clear away any dirt or debris that may be lingering, which can ultimately wear down your lashes and cause them to break. For this, you’ll want to make sure to use a soft brush on your lashes daily to ensure they are receiving as gentle of a treatment as possible.

  1. Massage Your Lashes Every Night Before Going To Bed

Next, another great way to promote growth in your lashes is to massage them. All you have to do for this is gently massage your eyelids for 5 minutes before bed, ensuring you keep it as gentle as possible and don’t put too much pressure on them. It is highly believed that if you rub your eyelids every night, you will see a noticeable difference the next day. However, for long-term results, it is a great idea to get into the habit of doing this every night if you wish to achieve more noticeable results.

  1. Stop Using an Eyelash Curler

Next, a quick tip to helping your lashes to grow is to stop using an eyelash curler. Believe it or not, but eyelash curlers are incredibly damaging for your lashes and should be avoided at all costs. This is because our eyelashes are made from incredibly fragile hair, and when you use an eyelash curler, it can not only cause breaking to the hair follicles because it is so harsh, but because the lash hairs are under so much stress, it can also cause them to break and fall out. Therefore, make sure you stop using a lash curler at all costs and instead gently use your finger to plump your lashes up. 

  1. Gently Remove Makeup

Next, another key way to help your lashes to grow longer is to be gentle when you remove your makeup. We’re all guilty of getting home after a long day and wanting to just scrub our makeup off as quickly as possible. However, when it comes to growing your lashes, this is a big no-no. Removing your makeup with harsh chemicals or scrubbing at it viciously can make your eyelashes fall out and break super easily. Therefore, to avoid this, find a gentle makeup remover instead, such as a natural oil remover, and use that to clean off your makeup. You can also use a gentle applicator, such as a cotton ball, to ensure you are being as careful as possible with this.

  1. Use A Lash-Boosting Mascara

The next way to help your lashes show signs of growth overnight is to try a lash-boosting mascara. Since most of us wear mascara, to begin with, it’s important to wear a mascara that’s actually benefiting your eyelashes instead of drying them out, right? Therefore, you’ll want to look for fiber-lash mascaras or mascaras that have natural ingredients, such as castor oil, that promote growth and hydration to the lashes all day long. A good hydrating and natural mascara will not only soothe the lashes during wear, but it will stay in your hair follicles after removal to keep stimulation active, which is huge when it comes to growing your lashes.

  1. Use a Serum-infused Mascara 

Alongside a lash-boosting mascara that typically has essential nutrients to help your lashes to grow, you may also want to try a serum-infused mascara, as it supports healthy growth for your lashes. Serum-infused mascaras have been growing in popularity in the last few years and are even more valued than lash-boosting mascaras. This is because they coat your lashes in healthy, lengthening, natural ingredients which actually help your lashes to grow. This helps them to remain conditioned all day through wear and even overnight. Serum-infused mascaras aren’t typically made with any harsh ingredients either, and therefore should never leave your lashes dull, dry, or broken. 

  1. Take Supplements 

Next, another way to help your lashes grow overnight is to try supplements that help with growth. A lot of times, our lashes don’t grow because they lack essential nutrients or vitamins, which can put them in a stagnant period of growth and make them more prone to breakage. Therefore, trying vitamins, such as Vitamin B or Vitamin E, which promote growth and help to keep your hair follicles strong, might be a good idea for the overall health of your lashes. You can also talk to your doctor about this for a more accurate and personal recommendation.

  1. Don’t Trim or Pluck Your Lashes Yourself

Next, a huge myth when it comes to lash growth is the belief that cutting your lashes can actually help them to grow. While the idea is nice, it actually is not very true and will ultimately just leave your lashes looking shorter. This is because eyelash hair isn’t the same as the hair on your head and doesn’t need regular trimming and clarifying in order to maintain growth. Therefore, if you want to grow your lashes longer, keep the scissors away and just stick to the most natural treatments. Trust us; you’ll have much better luck. 

  1. Latisse

Next, Latisse is another popular option to help your lashes grow quickly and is highly recommended because it is the only eyelash growth product approved by the FDA. Latisse is ultimately believed to help grow thicker lashes in a short amount of time for a naturally fuller look. However, before you even think about trying it, you’ll need a prescription for the Latisse. However, there are also a high number of side effects for Latisse, such as itchy or red eyes, so make sure you check with your doctor before you start using. 

  1. Keep Your Body Healthy = Keeping Your Lashes healthy

And lastly, to encourage growth in the most natural way possible, make sure you’re taking care of your lash health and your health overall. A healthy, thriving body tends to naturally promote growth for healthy, thriving hair on your head, brows, and lashes, which overall make them appear fuller and stronger. Therefore, make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, and avoiding unnecessary stress the best you can. 

Home Remedies for Eyelash Growth

Now that we’ve gone over some ways to promote eyelash growth topically, what about some easy at-home DIYs that anyone can do? Here are a few of our top favorite ways.  

  1. Try Out a GrowthSerum, Such as Biotin

To start, the first DIY tip for growing your lashes is to try out a growth serum. Growth serums are an excellent choice for eyelashes and eyebrows and are typically made from a gentle substance with natural ingredients to help promote growth without any harmful chemicals. Although, you’ll want to be careful reading the labels and reviews on serums, as some can be too harsh for the eye area and is something you’ll definitely want to pay attention to.

  1. Try Petroleum Jelly 

Next, if a serum doesn’t suit your fancy, a classic method used is growing your eyelashes with petroleum jelly. For this, take a small amount of petroleum jelly before bed and use your finger or a cotton swab to apply on your lashes, and then wait to rinse it off until the morning. Petroleum jelly is known for being incredibly hydrating to the lashes, which overall contributes to its fuller appearance. It is also incredibly gentle and is often used by people with sensitive skin or skin problems. Therefore, you shouldn’t have to worry about having any problems with this DIY.  

  1. Natural Oils, Such as Olive Oil and Castor Oil, Never Hurt

Next, one of our personal favorite ways to get eyelashes to grow faster overnight is using natural oils such as castor oil or olive oil. Easily applied with a clean mascara brush, these oils are known to help stimulate and promote hair growth for fluffier, healthier lashes. Not to mention, they are also incredibly hydrating and penetrate deep into the hair follicles to hydrate and nourish them. Overall, this is a DIY that can certainly show you results overnight but is best continued daily for several months to see substantial results. 

  1. Make a Mixture of Egg White and Oil

Next, you can also create a unique moisturizing mixture with egg white and oil to help stimulate eyelash growth. Egg whites are very commonly used in DIY hair masks for growth as eggs contain proteins that help to nourish hair follicles with essential nutrients in order to promote growth. For this, all you will need is egg whites, olive oil, and castor oil, and measure around the same amount of oil as the amount of egg whites you’re adding. After this, simply apply the mixture to your lash line and leave it on for around 20-30 minutes, and then you’re done. You can check out more about egg white treatments in regards to eyelashes here on

  1. Try Aloe Vera

Next, another great natural product to use on your lashes to help promote growth is to apply aloe vera. Aloe vera is full of ultra-hydrating vitamins and minerals that naturally stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. The way this works if you can apply the aloe vera to your lashes before bed with a cotton swag or mascara wand. You’ll then want to let it sit and soak in overnight before carefully washing it off in the morning. For more noticeable results, continue the application for 1-3 months. 

  1. Try Green Tea

And lastly, another great natural treatment to try on your lashes is green tea. This is because green tea has a lot of beneficial flavonoids that can help stimulate growth in your lashes for a thicker, fuller appearance. For this, you’ll want to soak green tea leaves in water for about 15 minutes before applying. You can use a cotton swab and apply the green tea on your lashes from root to the tips and leave it overnight. This treatment should help to noticeably thicken and soften your lashes by the next morning. 

  1. Lash Alive

Try out a natural eyelash growth supplement like Lash Alive. We’ve reviewed this product on OBR and we were pleased with the results that we’ve seen. 

Bottom Line 

In conclusion, there’s a lot of different ways to make your eyelashes grow faster overnight. From home remedies to supplements, massages, or even regular grooming, the possibilities are endless. However, the most important thing to remember with growing your lashes is to keep them consistent. While you can definitely see a difference with most of these tips overnight if you want to see big results, it’s best to keep at it for weeks or months to come (and, of course, check with a doctor if you have any problems). Either way, learn to love your lashes through all their stages, and you will be on your way to living your happiest, healthiest, and most beautiful life with the lashes of your dreams before you know it.


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