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HomePetsDogsComplete Guide to Groin Pulls in Dogs

Complete Guide to Groin Pulls in Dogs


Due to the sufficiently high level of motor activity, injuries in dogs are much more common than in other pets. In some cases, these injuries need immediate emergency care to ensure a quick recovery and complete rehabilitation of the dog. To do this, owners need to detect signs of injury in the dog on time and provide it with proper care until the veterinarian takes care of the animal. 

What is Groin Pull-in Dog? 

One of the most painful injuries in a dog is groin pull, as it often leads to lameness and other related bone issues. The hip region usually feels pain during movement (either backward or forward) due to the extension in the iliacus and psoas major muscles. These two muscles are attached to the spine and the hip bone, and they are flexible during movement. A groin pull is also referred to as inguinal pain due to the connection to the femur. 

Causes of Groin Pulls 

The groin pull-in dog is, as a result, several athletic activities of a dog. This is causing an extension on the iliopsoas muscles, which may further lead to other injuries. Some of the major causes of groin pain are as follows; 


If both parents (or only one parent) regularly suffer from this pain, the puppy’s risk of developing this pain. That is to say that this disease can be inherited, and it is common to certain breeds, significantly larger dogs.  


A balanced diet is vital for the right shape and takes on essential functions in the growth of the musculoskeletal system. Nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus can lead to severe joint damage and further derailments in the body in the event of undersupply or oversupply and an incorrect relationship to each other.

Posture and strain: 

Although exercise is enormously important for dog health, overloading can put extreme pressure on the joints. The result is cartilage damage and bone gains. However, a lack of movement is not an alternative, as it leads to overweight leading to joint damage. Most dogs that large and athletic usually come down with this disease due to the following; 

  • Aggressiveness in training
  • Long run
  • Flyball 
  • Excessive workout
  • Jumping and other rough play.  

Many health concerns can therefore cause groin pain, and making a self-diagnosis is sometimes difficult. After careful observation of your dog and you notice that the pain is acute or chronic and will disrupt your dog’s normal activities, do not let it drag on: quickly make an appointment with your veterinarian.   

Groin Pulls Symptoms 


If your dog moans or complains in your presence or when he is alone, and this is not his habit, he may seek to show pain or discomfort. Some dogs cry out in the face of the anguish of the groin pull.


A dog in pain will tend to lick the limb or the part of its body that is painful. This attitude, often overly compulsive, is meant to be calming. If you notice this behavior, check that your animal is not injured without risking hurt or being bitten. 


A dog in pain does not always know what position to settle into. He tends to get up, lie down, or sit down. They constantly change their position regularly in search of peace. 

The sad look: 

If your dog is ill, his gaze changes and expresses his suffering. He has a sad look, and he can have red eyes or dilated pupils. 


If your dog starts to gasp excessively, he may be suffering from groin and other related or internal pain.


Lameness is one of the most effects of the groin pull. Other issues can be due to pain or a fracture and the formation of bone cancer or osteosarcoma.

Low tail: 

A dog in pain will tend to move with its tail low or even its head low. If he’s used to having his tail in the air and a cheerful, supple gait, these signs should alert you.

Fatigue and despondency: 

If your pet is in pain, he may seem downhearted or tired. He is often prostrate; he isolates himself in a quiet and secluded place or, on the contrary, he seeks your attention by asking for your help. If he sleeps poorly because of the pain, he may experience trouble sleeping, disrupting his usual nap schedule.

Loss of appetite: 

If your dog sulks his bowl or refuses to feed, this is a worrying sign, especially if it is his usual diet that he appreciates. This loss of appetite can be traced to groin pull and stress. This illness prevents him from moving around or having enough to eat.

Aggression and irritability: 

A dog in pain may refuse to be approached or touched. Suddenly, if this is the case, you have to worry about it when it is not in the animal’s habit. The animal growls to show you that it refuses contact because of the pain. He may also refuse to go out, follow you, or play.

Cost of Groin Pull Treatment 

A Visit to the veterinarian usually begins with a detailed owner survey, whereby possible differential diagnoses can already be narrowed down. The veterinarian may ask all the crucial questions and carry out a general clinical examination. The aim is to determine the current health status based on vital parameters. During the examination of the skeletal system, the veterinarian has various diagnostic options. Also, various functional tests can be carried out to determine the current status of your dog. 

However, imaging procedures such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) are usually necessary to confirm the actual diagnosis. The x-rays are carried out to look for evidence of bone fragments and translocations, and ultrasound to check for inflammation and disorientation of the normal muscle fiber at the injury site. 

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to search for edema and hemorrhage problems. All of these could cost about $1,000 – $10,000, depending on the severity of the problem. 

Groin Pull Treatment 

Groin pulls, like most extreme muscle lines and tears, can take some time to heal. Whether the injury is acute or chronic strain, the treatment can either be complete confinement, medications, rehabilitation, and surgery. Many puppies can quickly improve; however, they may aggravate the problem after other physical activities. 

The first step is to confine your canine at home to eliminate the further aggravation of the injury. Stop your canine from running, playing, hiking stairs, and jumping, including on the sofa or in a vehicle. If the strain is acute, then the following are recommended as a treatment for your dog; 

  • Rest: If you want your dog to heal faster, you need to rest the groin pull. You’ll only prolong the process if you push the groin to complete activities before all of the pain is gone. 
  • Also, the use of anti-inflammatories, NSAIDs, tranquilizers, and muscle relaxants is encouraged to relax our dog. These are very important medication that serves the purpose of relief from pain and other related issues that may occur

Generally, some progress should be observed after the first two weeks of following the steps highlighted above. If your dog’s circumstance does now not enhance or starts to worsen, similarly, trying out is regularly recommended, and rehabilitation is the subsequent step.


Surgery is regarded in an undisputable situation, such as a failure to reply to greater conservative remedies of clinical and rehabilitation therapies. Suppose nerve harm develops in the femur or recurrent harm in the tendon, which may lead to sustained irreversible damage, then surgery is required. Before any surgical procedure, the prognosis is verified via imaging methods such as a CT scan or MRI. A tenectomy is performed, including reducing the tendon from the bone and disposing of as much muscle as possible. The hip can generally feature this muscle group and healing time stages from two to 6 weeks.


Use a knee brace to support the dog’s joint. Wrap a canine knee brace around the leg to offer additional support. Insert your fingertips under the knee brace to ensure it provides light compression but does not cut the dog’s skin. You’ll likely need to adjust it throughout the day. It would help if you observed your pet to make sure it looks comfortable with the knee brace.

Wearing a knee brace can help the dog recover from a groin injury without surgery, but it’s not always effective. You should ask your veterinarian if a knee brace is right for your pet. It is better to use a personalized knee brace by the veterinarian. However, other options may also seem suitable, such as purchasing other types of braces for your dog. 

Physical Therapy 

Various physical therapy is tailor-made to every acute and chronic groin pull done by a veterinary. Acute accidents are frequently used for ache relief, extended circulation, and to hasten to heal. Other modalities encompass ultrasound, warmth therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, platelet-rich plasma, and massage. Rehabilitation treatments for chronic sprains may also consist of warmth therapy, ultrasound, and massage; however, different modalities such as bloodless laser remedies and workouts can additionally be used.

Exercise for Groin Pull 

You can start taking the dog for a walk for 5 minutes twice a day after six weeks. This will allow your pet to start exercising his paw without putting too much pressure on him. Ensure that the dog is chained so that he does not run away or risk re-injuring his groin. As your pet’s condition improves, you can begin to extend the length of their walks. 

Also, it is crucial to take your dog swimming at least 2 or 3 times a week to exercise. Since swimming is an exercise without weight-bearing, it will not stress the animal’s joints, muscles, or ligaments. If your dog swims regularly, this exercise will help keep his muscles toned and provide him with a mental simulation. Before engaging in other forms of exercise, it is important to consult your veterinarian first for counsel. 

Natural Remedies for Groin Pull 

  • As a routine, establish a stretching program for the dog after training. The stretching program mustn’t hurt the groin’s affected region or contracted muscles.
  • Adequate rest is needed to eliminate stress and other related issues. This may be not easy, especially for puppies but you must reduce playing time with your puppy to ensure that they get the rest needed.  
  • Massage eliminates metabolites, exudates, promotes circulation, stretches collagen fibers matrix, and promotes relaxation. A rehabilitation veterinarian or sports medicine expert can instruct the different techniques you can use. 
  • You can use massage oil or specific products to increase its relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect. These products are natural herbs such as chamomile oil, jasmine oil, coconut oil, and garlic. Their antifungal properties play a unique role in treating your dog from a groin pull. 
  • Whenever inflammation is not present, you can apply dry heat for its sedative effect and facilitate massage. If you use heat bags, you will wrap them in a towel to reduce the risk of burns. You will expose the affected area to the heat for 10-15 minutes before performing the massage. The massage will always be superficial, and we will not apply deep massage techniques. 
  • Epsom Salt: It is highly recommended to add Epsom salt when treating any discomfort affecting your dog. As it can help in relieving groined muscle, pains, and headache
  • It is important to use a cold compress to soothe the discomfort of your dog. This can be done by applying the cold compress to the affected region of your dog. It is recommended that you apply it for about 10 to 15 minutes repeatedly. Continue with this treatment for two to three days.

If the contracture is simple, a massage routine and stretching will be enough to resolve it. But if the appearance of lameness or compensatory postures is advisable to visit the veterinarian, who will look for the real cause of that contracture and determine its severity and treatment. There are pathological contractures of certain muscle groups in sport dogs, belonging mainly to anterior and posterior limbs that need specialized veterinary treatment. 

Groin Pull Prevention 

To avoid groin pull in dogs, the following prophylactic measures are recommended:

Controlled breeding and puppy purchases: 

  • To avoid hereditary diseases, healthy dog breeding is enormously essential. Breeders should therefore have all their breeding animals examined by a veterinarian at an early stage. Even when buying a puppy, a health certificate issued by the veterinarian should not be waived.

Regular exercise: 

  • While it is necessary to limit excess motor activities, it is also important that insufficient exercise should be avoided. When dogs are not getting adequate exercise, it may lead to the development of fatigue and other injuries. The key to groin prevention is to maintain balance for your dog during exercise. 

Balanced diet: 

  • Adequate feeding of your dog plays a very important role in ensuring that your dog is healthy and free from any form of disease (internal or external).   
  • It is very crucial to select a spacious location for your dog in the house. If your home is a story building, it is not advisable to locate the dog house upstairs as this may lead to groin pull in the future. 


Groin pulls are common to dogs that are very active in terms of sport or athletic activities; that is why you need to pay special attention to your dog when jumping and running. Whether it is an acute or chronic groin pull, known treatment must be carried out to ensure that your dog’s health is restored. Some of the treatments include house confinement, medications, physical therapy, and surgery. While these measures are effective, it is important always to consult your veterinarian in emergencies after sny treatment has been applied.

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