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HomeBeautyDo You Have Forehead Wrinkles?

Do You Have Forehead Wrinkles?

Many people are concerned with how to get rid of forehead wrinkles. It can be a major cause of stress, often worsening the condition. While wrinkles are usually a normal sign of aging, forehead wrinkles in your younger years can be a result of unhealthy habits, hormonal changes and genetics.  

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles, from simple lifestyle changes to using organic anti-aging serums or Botox®. 

What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

“Wrinkles” is a term for the lines and creases that develop in your skin over time. As you age, your body begins to produce less collagen, and as a result, your skin loses elasticity, thins, and becomes more prone to wrinkles. Hormonal changes and genetics can also affect collagen production, which is why wrinkles are not exclusive to older men and women. 

Apart from natural aging, there are numerous other factors that influence the development of wrinkles, including your environment and lifestyle. 

Woman Blocking Sun

Spending too much time in ultra-sunny or super-dry climates can speed up the aging process — UV rays can damage elastin fibers in the skin and dry skin is more prone to wrinkling. Keeping your skin well-hydrated by using a daily moisturizer with an SPF 25+ and drinking a lot of water can help your skin stay smooth.

Stress can also affect your skin’s health. When stressed, your body responds by producing extra cortisol (the stress hormone). Increased cortisol levels can wreak havoc on the body in many ways, affecting the skin by breaking down collagen and elastin. And being stressed or over-worried can cause you to furrow your brow, leading to the early development of forehead wrinkles. 

Eating an unhealthy diet, smoking, skipping exercise and not following a thorough skincare routine (i.e. not using a daily cleanser, toner, and moisturizer) can also result in early wrinkles. Making simple changes to your day-to-day can improve your overall health, and as a result, the appearance of your skin. 

Anti-Aging Creams for Forehead Wrinkles 

There are hundreds of anti-aging creams on the market, from $100 department store labels to inexpensive drugstore brands, there is something for everyone and every budget. These creams are made with different ingredients and thus, combat lines and wrinkles in different ways. To determine the best anti-aging cream to fit your particular needs, it’s important to consider the results you’re looking to achieve. 

Here is one of our favorite anti-aging creams:

Editors’ Choice: Athena 7-Minute Lift  

The Athena 7 Minute Lift is our favorite anti-aging cream because it’s been clinically studied and it’s hypoallergenic, so it’s safe for all skin types. It was even recommended by Dr. Michael Youn on the Rachael Ray show for its powerful anti-aging properties. 

As Dr. Youn explains, the Athena 7 Minute Lift is packed with moisturizers and powerful antioxidants to boost your skin’s tone and texture. It contains vitamin A and Argireline — two ingredients clinically proven to reduce the appearance of even the deepest of wrinkles. 

Vitamin A stimulates collagen production without irritating your skin as many retinol creams can. Argireline is like Botox in the way that it prevents certain nerve-to-muscle communications to keep your facial muscles from contracting, and it also encourages collagen production to promote younger-looking skin. Opting for an anti-aging cream with Argireline is a safer (and more affordable) alternative to Botox, so we suggest trying the Athena 7 Minute Lift before seeking more invasive treatments. 

Athena 7 Minute Lift also contains antioxidant-rich green tea leaf to reverse sun damage and firm your skin, as well as ascorbic acid, orange peel, grapefruit and a number of other botanicals to combat fine lines and keep your skin looking young. 

Forehead Comparison After 7 Minutes

In addition to improving forehead wrinkles, the Athena 7 Minute Lift can erase the appearance of crow’s feet, under-eye wrinkles, and laugh lines — and as its name suggests, it can do this in seven minutes. Many anti-aging creams have only temporary effects, so we really love this cream because it can reduce the overall appearance of wrinkles by nearly 85% with continued use. 

The Athena 7 Minute Lift is an affordable, safe solution for those of all skin types, which is why it was an easy addition to our list. You can buy yours on the 7 Minute Lift website, it costs only $79 for a 60-day supply and comes with free shipping! 

Other Treatments for Forehead Wrinkles 

If anti-aging creams aren’t helping you achieve the results you’re looking for, consider some of the treatments below. Of course, always talk to your doctor about your treatment options.


Botox® is a go-to procedure to eliminate forehead wrinkles, and some even get Botox® before lines form as a method of prevention. Botox® is a protein made from the botulinum toxin.  

The botulinum toxin is extremely toxic, and it’s the same toxin that causes botulism — but don’t worry, the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology confirms that when administered responsibly and in very small doses, this toxin is completely harmless.

Botox® eliminates wrinkles and lines by paralyzing the facial muscles and preventing them from contracting. Apart from forehead wrinkles, people use Botox® injections to smooth eye wrinkles, crow’s feet, and lines around the mouth. Botox® can also be used to offer relief from some muscular and bladder disorders, cure eye spasms and correct crossed eyes. 

Botox® injections are not a one-and-done treatment method. Like most treatments for wrinkles, you will need to keep up with sessions periodically to keep wrinkles at bay. The results of each session can last as little as three months to a year, depending on the person and the severity of the wrinkles. 

However, it is important to note that with repeated treatment, some can become immune to Botox’s® muscle-paralyzing powers, and when that happens, other injections such as Dysport or Xeomin can be used. 

It is important to note, the effects of Botox® are not immediate. It usually takes around two or three days to see noticeable results, and many tolerate Botox® treatments quite well, with little to no side effects reported. That said, some report headaches, mild pain and numbness after treatment, and others say it can take longer than ten days to see changes in the skin’s appearance. 

Most medical spas and dermatologists offer Botox® treatments, and prices will vary from one place to the next, but the average cost of Botox® is $550. 


Xeomin is an alternative to Botox® that many believe is safer, as it is made from a more purified version of the botulinum toxin. Xeomin is also an option for people who are no longer seeing results from Botox® treatments. 

Like Botox®, the results of Xeomin treatments can last three to four months, and you may have to wait four or five days to see noticeable changes post-treatment. Xeomin is commonly used to combat wrinkles in the forehead, so for our readers, this may be a great place to start if anti-aging creams fail to produce your desired appearance. 

Xeomin has an average cost of $300 to $400 for treatments. 

Laser Treatment 

There are a variety of different laser treatments to reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles. Different medical spas may use different technologies, but for the most part, these lasers all combat wrinkles in the same way. 

Lasers penetrate deep into our dermis (the thick layer of tissue directly below our skin’s surface) to stimulate collagen and new skin growth. The result is younger-looking, more glowing skin. 

Lasers can eliminate newly formed wrinkles as well as deep lines, so laser treatment can be a great option no matter the severity of your wrinkles. 

What we love about laser treatments, too, is that the effects are long-lasting. Recent studies have found lasers can reduce the appearance of wrinkles by 45% more than two years after treatment. And some people only need one laser session to see the results they are looking for; however, some will need up to six treatments to achieve smooth skin. 

Plus, people report little to no side effects after laser treatments, with the most common being acne and darkening or lightening of the skin. 

Laser treatments vary in price, but the average cost for laser resurfacing in the U.S. is $2,000. 

Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels are not a long-lasting treatment for wrinkles, but they are a quick way to zap wrinkles without invasive treatments. Chemical peels use a variety of — you guessed it — chemicals to “peel” the outer layer of skin, revealing a fresh, wrinkle-free layer of skin beneath. 

Chemicals peels are effective at eliminating wrinkles for a short period, but they can be dangerous. These are not for everyone, especially those with sensitive skin. Some of the more serious risks of chemical peels include redness, scarring, infection, permanent changes in skin pigmentation, and even liver, heart, and kidney damage. 

You can get a chemical peel at most medical spas and dermatologists’ offices, and they can range in price from $150 to $3000; however, the average cost is around $600. 

Home Remedies to Eliminate Wrinkles 

If you’re not ready to delve into anti-aging creams or cosmetic procedures, try some of these simple and easy at-home remedies for firmer, smoother and more youthful skin. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Applying aloe vera to your wrinkles is another way to repair dry skin and reduce wrinkles. Aloe vera contains acemannan and other polysaccharides to promote skin regeneration and prevent fine lines.  

To receive the skin-boosting benefits of aloe vera, apply a small amount to your wrinkles, and make sure to rub it in thoroughly, before starting into your skincare routine. Let the aloe vera sit for 15 minutes. Then, you can wash your face and proceed with your routine as normal. 


Citrus Pack

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are rich in vitamins A and C. As we mentioned earlier, vitamins A and C are powerful at improving skin health, helping it appear smoother and firmer. Applying the pulps of these fruits to your forehead helps these skin-enhancing vitamins absorb right into your lines and wrinkles. 

You can also make a citrus paste by mixing a quarter cup of freshly squeezed orange juice with just enough flour to thicken it into a face mask. Then, apply the mask to your forehead and let it sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. 

Olive Oil

Olive Oil 

Following your evening skincare routine, take a small dollop of olive oil and rub it over your forehead until it completely absorbs. Don’t tug your skin tightly; instead, use gentle motions, starting in the center of your forehead and rubbing toward your temples. Doing this helps your skin lock in moisture and improves elasticity, making it less susceptible to fine lines. 

You can also do this with coconut oil, or a combination of olive and coconut oil, it’s all a matter of personal preference (or what you have on-hand at home). 

Exfoliate Scrub


Exfoliate your face at least two to three times a week with a gentle scrub containing either salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or hyaluronic acid. Be careful not to over-exfoliate or use scrubs with harsh chemicals, as it can do more harm than good. Always remember to moisturize after exfoliating, too. Regularly exfoliating removes dead skin cells to keep your skin looking healthy and bright. 


When should I start using anti-aging products? 

You can start using anti-aging products as young as 18. Just ensure you are choosing the right anti-aging products for your skin type. Many anti-aging creams are designed to combat drier skin (as drying skin is another sign of aging), so for those with oily skin, these types of products can do more harm than good, causing clogged pores and breakouts. 

The best time to begin using retinol creams is around the age of 25, as this is the time when collagen production starts to slow and wrinkles can begin to form.   

Can forehead wrinkles go away? 

Forehead wrinkles, once developed, usually cannot magically go away. When forehead wrinkles are mild, home remedies and anti-aging creams can typically reverse their appearance quickly, but when you let wrinkles continue to age, more invasive treatments such as Botox® and lasers may be necessary. 

What procedure is best for forehead wrinkles? 

There is no one “best” treatment for forehead wrinkles, as everyone ages and develops wrinkles differently. If you are concerned about your forehead wrinkles, discuss their development with your dermatologist. A dermatologist, or even just a family doctor, will be able to talk with you about your skin type and lifestyle habits to determine the best course of action for achieving smoother skin.   

Did We Help? 

Let’s face it – wrinkles are a part of life. If the appearance of your skin is causing you distress, there are a variety of ways you can manage it. Many of the options mentioned can be used together, but the best way to avoid or worsen wrinkles is to stress less.

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