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HomeBeautyComplete Guide: How to Curl Your Eyelashes without an Eyelash Curler

Complete Guide: How to Curl Your Eyelashes without an Eyelash Curler

Ask any top stylist about how to make your eyes beautiful and dreamy, and you will get just one reply: curl your eyelashes.

Many of us overlook the importance of curling our lashes when giving final touches to our look. Curled eyelashes not only make your eyes look bigger and brighter but also add more glam to your eye makeup. Whether you are dressing up for work or a special occasion, curled eyelashes are among the best ways to make your look more dramatic and posh.

Should You Use An Eyelash Curler Every Day?

Who doesn’t like long, luscious, and thick lashes? But should you use a curler for your lashes?

You’d be surprised to know that many celebrities and celebrated makeup artists recommend using natural techniques for curling your eyelashes. That’s because prolonged use of eyelash curlers can result in serious and adverse effects.

In this post, we are going to offer a guide to help you curl your eyelashes without an eyelash curler. These natural tips require accessories and products you can easily find at home.

First, let’s start with why using an eyelash curler can be detrimental to your eyelashes.

Why you should not Use an Eyelash Curler Every Day

Whether you settle for a low-quality and cheap eyelash curler or buy an expensive product from a reputed brand, remember one thing. Using an eyelash curler every day for the rest of your life can result in the breakage and shedding of your lashes.

Many stylists advocate the use of curlers and recommend using them on a regular basis, provided you follow the right technique. However, there are more risks than benefits of using these grooming accessories.

Eyelashes are extremely sensitive. If you use a low-grade curler or apply the wrong technique, you can cause irreversible damage to your eyelashes. The outcomes can be worse if you have dried mascara sticking to your curler. Furthermore, since most of us don’t have enough time to clean our eyelash curlers every day, we can end up using a dirty curler that can lead to infections, itching, or irritation.

The choice is yours: do you want curled eyelashes or healthy eyelashes?

Using the wrong curling tools can cause unwarranted strain on your hair follicles, and your eyelashes can break and fall out over time.

If you want to curl your eyelashes regularly, we recommend you stick to these natural ways of curling your eyelashes without using an eyelash curler.

7 Ways to Curl Your Eyelashes Without an Eyelash Curler

Let’s find out how easy it is to curl your lashes without buying an expensive eyelash curler.

1. With A Mascara Wand

Things you need

  • Mascara (choose a curl-holding and waxy formula)
  • A blow dryer (optional)

How to Use a Mascara Wand for Curling your Eyelashes

Did you know that good-quality mascara could easily do this job? Here’s how.

Swipe on a layer of mascara and glide in a zigzag motion. Start from the roots as you go on to the tips of your lashes. Applying mascara this way will comb your lashes and remove any clumps. You will need another coat for defining your lashes and making your eyes stand out.

When you reach your lashes’ tips, hold the mascara wand in place and create a curl by pushing the tips toward the lash line. Wait for ten seconds or longer as you hold the tips of your lashes until the mascara dries off. Work on your lashes one more time or until you are satisfied with the curl. Move on to the next eye.

If you want to use a blowdryer for drying off your mascara quickly, make sure you turn it to its lowest fan and heat settings. Angle it in such a way that it points upwards. Close your eyes while giving heat to your lashes. The heat dries the mascara more quickly, and the angle will lock in the curl you need for your eyelashes.

2. With A Spoon

This one is popular among many celebrities, such as Eiza González. According to her, she learned this natural technique for curling eyelashes from her mom. You can use any small or big spoon you like but make use you take a metal spoon. The spoon can also come in handy when you forget to keep mascara in your makeup kit.

While we suggest heating the spoon in a microwave, you can also heat up the spoon using your blow dryer.

Things you need

  • Microwave
  • Cup of warm water
  • Clean towel
  • Metal spoon

How to Curl your Eyelashes with a Spoon

Take a cup of water and warm up it in a microwave for a minute. The water should be just enough for the shovel of your spoon to submerge completely. After heating the water, take the metal spoon and dip it in for at least half a minute. Since we can’t heat metallic objects in the microwave, we must warm up our spoon by placing it in warm water.

Use a clean towel to dry the spoon and check if it’s cool enough to hold against your skin by holding it against your wrist. Now take the warm spoon and press it against your eyelids. The bottom of the spoon should face outwards. Lift and push the lashes against the spoon’s bottom for at least 10 seconds per section. You will be happy to see the results.

3. With Your Finger

This method is the best when there is no Q-tip or spoon in sight. Don’t forget to wash your hands before trying out this natural method to curl your eyelashes.

How to Curl your Eyelashes with your Finger

Begin by disinfecting your hands with water and soap. Avoid using rubbing alcohol because your fingers will come in contact with your eyes—warm-up your hands by rubbing them together or blowing a blow dryer on your fingers.

Lift your eyelashes and hold them in place by using the lengths of your fingers. Use your ring finger for this tip because it’s the weakest of your fingers, and you won’t put any unnecessary pressure. Press your lids for at least ten seconds or until you get the desired effect. Remember that friction and rubbing can result in hair damage, so never tug too much on your eyelashes.

4. With Q-tips

Cotton swabs or q-tips are great grooming accessories for cleaning your eyelashes. Not only do they remove fossilized eyeliner, but they also help you curl your eyelashes naturally.

Things You Need

  • Mascara
  • Clean Q-tip
  • Scissors

How to Curl Your Eyelashes with Q-tips

Take a q-tip and cut off its cotton ends. You now have the middle section only. Remember to wipe off the Q-tip’s cotton fibers, so they don’t stick to your mascara. Start by swiping a single or double layer of mascara on your lashes. Now hold your lashes from the base, the middle, and the tips. As you lift each section of your lashes, you create a beautiful curl that adds a glamorous touch to your final look. The waxy formula of your mascara will hold the lift and keep the curl in its place. Remember, the better quality mascara you will use, the easier it will be for you to curl your eyelashes naturally.

5. A Hot Toothbrush

Did you know that this handy accessory can offer a great way to curl your eyelashes naturally? Some of today’s renowned makeup artists and celebrities prefer curling eyelashes with a hot toothbrush instead of using an eyelash curler.

Things You Need

  • A clean toothbrush
  • Warm water
  • Clean towel
  • Mascara

How to Curl Your Eyelashes with a Toothbrush

Take a cup of warm water for soaking the toothbrush. Once the brush gets warm enough, remove excess water by pressing it into a clean towel. Now brush through the eyelashes but remember to be gentle. You don’t have to apply too much force, or you will end up damaging your lashes. As you go from the lashes’ roots to tips, hold at the tip to get the desired curl. Apply a double coat of mascara for setting the curl. Remember to clean the brush after every application to avoid any risks of infection or irritation.

6. With Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera offers tons of benefits to enhance beauty. Not only Aloe Vera gel is popular for its healing and soothing effects, but it can also be a natural way to curl your lashes.

Things You Need

  • A small blob of Aloe Vera gel
  • Mascara

How To Curl Your Eyelashes Using Aloe Vera

You only need a small amount of Aloe Vera to curl your eyelashes naturally. Take a small blob of gel on your fingers. Again, avoid applying too much pressure. You can use your ringer finger to apply the gel on your lashes and hold it until you get a curling effect. That way, you also give a nourishing treatment to your lashes. Finish off with a coat of mascara.

7. Vaseline

When you can’t find anything to curl your eyelashes naturally, there is nothing like a bottle of Vaseline to do the job with perfection.

How to Curl Your Eyelashes with Vaseline

Applying Vaseline will also offer added benefits such as moisturizing your dry and brittle eyelashes. Just moist your ring finger with some Vaseline and comb your lashes, from root to tips. Lift and hold at the tip until you get your desired curl. Since Vaseline not only moisturizes but cleans your lashes, you can apply it daily before going to bed to remove any leftover makeup or debris. Just remember not to take too much of Vaseline, so it does not get into your eyes.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Eyelashes

Now that you know how to curl your eyelashes naturally, another crucial thing is to take care of your lashes. That’s because you won’t be able to achieve any significant results from your curling efforts if you don’t have healthy eyelashes.

Apart from using good-quality makeup products, make sure you keep your eyelashes clean, or else you will end up having bacteria and dirt building up on your lashes. Cleaning your eyelashes after a sweaty gym session or swimming is also necessary for making your eyelashes look healthy.

Some makeup stylists recommend using baby shampoo for cleaning your eyelashes because it’s gentle on the eyes. However, there are many products available on the market, specifically for cleaning and moisturizing your eyelashes.

Here are some tips to help you maintain long, luscious, and healthy eyelashes for getting the most out of natural eyelash curling methods.

Remove Eye Makeup before Going to Bed

No matter how tired you are, don’t forget to remove your eyeliner, eye shadow, or mascara before going to bed. We understand how tired you must be after partying the whole night or coming home after a long day at work. But the reason why removing eye makeup is so important is because dirt and residue from your makeup products can create a breeding ground for bacterial infections.

Avoid using makeup removal products that contain too many chemicals, and use baby wipes or makeup wipes for cleaning the eye area. If you want to use a natural alternative for eye makeup removal, coconut oil is the best alternative. Use a small cotton ball for cleaning your eyelashes with coconut oil. Never pluck your eyelashes and wipe them off with a baby wipe or cotton ball, gently and softly.

Avoid Sharing Eye Makeup Products

The temptation of trying out your friend’s expensive eyeliner or mascara can be too much to bear, never share makeup products. That’s because you may unknowingly expose your eyes and eyelashes to a myriad of infections.

Sharing eye makeup products or even eye creams can result in temporary or permanent damage to your eyelashes. Avoid this unhygienic practice if you want to keep your lashes clean and germ-free.

Oil Your Eyelashes

Just like oiling your hair results in thick and beautiful hair, nourishing your eyelashes with oil can do wonders for the health of your eyelashes. Apply a few drops of lanolin oil for moisturizing and oiling your eyelashes. You can use a q-tip for this tip. The all-natural treatment will strengthen your lashes without getting them greasy.

You can apply other popular types of oil, such as castor oil which is high in Vitamin E. Since castor comes packed with fatty acids, minerals, proteins, and anti-fungal capabilities, you will do yourself a huge favor by applying castor oil to your lashes every day.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Whether your lifestyle requires you to put on makeup every day, or you just can’t imagine stepping out without applying a double layer of mascara, give a break to your eyelashes. Avoid wearing eyelash extensions and false lashes every day and leave them for special occasions.

Don’t Rub Your Eyes

Sitting in front of the computer for long hours and too much screen time can cause irritation to your eyes. Make sure you get enough shut-eye to avoid having itchy and dry eyes. Resist the urge to scratch or rub your eyes and schedule an appointment with an eye specialist for a diagnosis.

Nourish Your Lashes

Thanks to a high amount of protein, B vitamins, and biotin, eggs aren’t just great for breakfast for our eyelashes. Prepare a mixture by beating one egg and adding one tablespoon of glycerin to it. Now dip a q-tip into this mixture for applying it to your lashes. Wait for fifteen minutes and rinse the lashes with cool water. Do this twice or thrice a week, and you will enjoy long, thick, and luscious eyelashes.

Final Thoughts

If you always thought an eyelash curler was the only way to curl your lashes, now you know that’s not the case. With so many natural tips to achieve beautifully curled eyelashes, you don’t have to buy an expensive eyelash curler that does more harm than good. Follow our guide whenever you want to look beautiful and impress others with your beautiful eyelashes.



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